Watching him weigh in was quite comically. First he placed the weight at 180 and heard a hefty clunk from the balancer signaling he was no where near 180. "Damn. Thought it was worth a try." Then to the other extreme 230. "Oh, did you hear how loud that was?! At least I'm no where near 230!" The the slider is then pushed to the 200 mark, "Hmm, that was a little louder than I'd like to hear," he said. As the lead weight slid quickly past the 150, 175, 200lb mark, it became apparent that he'd breached several weight classes and wouldn't be challenging the svelte Sugar Ray Leonard to a bout anytime soon. After a couple more rounds of this game the final button-popping damage was accessed at 214.5 pounds; a mere Big Mac away from his all time best, or worst depending on perspective, weight of 217. Despite vehement opposition from me, Pa! also felt that every ounce counted and decided to fore go his undies at the official weigh in.
(His words, definitely not mine)
So he's back to the Atkins "diet." He challenged me to a bet that he could lose 14.5 by Sept 2 (Campaign for Liberty convention in Minneapolis). I declined because, as much as I'd like to see him lose the weight, I know I won't be in Montana to tempt him with delicious Amish made pastries.
Anyways, Ma and Pa!, thank-you for getting drunk and not having the self control pull out that blustering day in 1980. In addition, thanks for not aborting me 9 and a half months later even though you talked about it and, in retrospect, I bet there were days you wish you had opted for the ole' Irish scoop and toss. I appreciate my life. No matter where in the world I am at any given moment, I always look forward to the days when I can come back to Montana and be with you guys!
Sniff, sniff, with such heart felt emotions making it's way to words in this last entry, perhaps you should consider whoring yourself out to
HallMark Cards...
But if you do, seeing as I tend to be your Cannon fodder for inspiration
I will be demanding a cut of the royalties.
All I can say is WOW!!! I really am speechless...
However, I must say you are quite the character...you always have something funny to wear.
Garrett...I couldn't help but notice you didn't post the picture of you when we shot the course...as I recall you were wearing half of your father's clothes and you looked ridiculous. I am sure everyone would like to see it, go ahead and post it!
I too am speechless, If I recall Colette, you had a hand in my pineapple shorts.
*ptl* I must say, I've yet to shoot with dad in the pineapple shorts. And don't you (pa!) go blamin them on Colette, she wasn't the one that actually spent the money to buy them!
Garvin... had we never told you? You were, indeed, an abortion survivor. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way!
Oh yeah, how out of control was your giggling as you were censoring dad's junk?
Mel do you remember this one?
Mel - the whole scale charade was ridiculous! I think he seriously thought he was going to fool the scale with that little game he was playing.
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