I was told I won't be able to make it because Maui was too expensive and that it was too far away. Most people were very excited for me to embark on this voyage. If it sucked, I could always come back right? But still there were a few naysayers. My old man explained to me that it is the people that try to talk you out of something or are really down on your ideas that are most afraid of adventure themselves. They try to talk you out of it because they are too insecure to attempt it themselves and would rather see you not go then to go and be successful.
As far as professional development goes, unless you consider being called "fucking haole" professional development, i would consider this a wash. What I did get was a years worth of expeirence and a new found respect for Asian culture. The Asian children are wonderfully motivated and very respectful. For instance, I probably will always remember Charles K. at the end of every health class coming up to me to shake my hand and thank me for class.

(this drinking session caused the projectile vomit picture in my May 5th post)

Charley Young beach, Kihei, Maui, Hi
People have a hard time understanding why I would want to leave this wonderful place (read my August posts). It's really not bittersweet, I have nothing left here and I am excited about my departure. I came, I saw, I did what I need to do but at the end of the day, is this where I want to spend the rest of my life? Figuring I live to 90, I have roughly 70 short years to do what I want to do and live where I want to live. You can call it a quarter life crisis, I just call it keeping my options open. To wherever life takes me ...
Amen, brother. Life is an adventure! And the definition of Adventure is that where the outcome is unknown.
Live well. Laugh often!
Awww! Gettin awfully sentimental in your old age! That and crow's feet must come hand in hand.
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