Strangely enough one of the best chicken sandwiches I have had in my life. The plain chicken breast was lackluster however.
Scott said we should go check out Busan. Busan is about 50 minutes away by bus. After we arrived we determined that we couldn't go on until we satieted our hunger. I'm not sure how we determined it but KFC was the winner of our business. Sadly, it took me all of a week to cave to the addictive powers that are western food.
Whilst in Busan we checked out Haeundai beach, visited a PC bang for 3 minutes and just generally perused.
Busan subway - See any fimiliar faces? We're not in Kansas anymore, Todo.
Some familiar sights in the land of unfimiliarity.
This server was nice enough to allow me to take a picture without tainting it with the peace sign.
Some good grinds we endulged back in little Masan. Otherwise known as "the sticks"
Some familiar sights in the land of unfimiliarity.
This server was nice enough to allow me to take a picture without tainting it with the peace sign.
Some good grinds we endulged back in little Masan. Otherwise known as "the sticks"
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