Thursday, November 1, 2007

Waihee Ridge Trail Hike

I don't fancy myself much a hiker. In fact, I kind of hate hiking. I would rather lift weights or ride an elliptical in the gym. I know, it's f'd up so don't try to make me think otherwise. In January for the 7th grade field trip we went to a little-know-place-off-the-beaten-path called Waihee Ridge. It's located about 8 miles outside of Wailuku. Suffice to say, and as evident by the photos, it's quite striking.
Mary, Reily, Pug and I

Waihee Ridge

Colette and I

Reily and I


An opening towards the top of the ridge

Crazy looking treesProbably the best shot all day


Anonymous said...

Wow, good blogging! Mary

Anonymous said...

Excellent photos. I just have one burning question...why do you call Mazeeeeee just pug?!?!?!?! Have a safe trip abroad. I'll look forward to more awesome photos and updates on your and Ms. Reid's travels!
